Author = Nattagh-Eshtivani, Elyas
Effects of royal jelly consumption on inflammation and oxidative stress: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 03 November 2024

Shaghayegh Taheri; Hossein Bahari; Farshad Mirzavi; Pegah Rahbarinejad; Zohreh Sajadi Hezaveh; Armin Doostparast; Asghar Zarban; Elyas Nattagh-Eshtivani

The effects of cinnamon supplementation on adipokines and appetite-regulating hormones: A systematic review of randomized clinical trials

Volume 13, Issue 5, September and October 2023, Pages 463-474

Alireza Gheflati; Naseh Pahlavani; Elyas Nattagh-Eshtivani; Zahra Namkhah; Mohammad Ghazvinikor; Golnaz Ranjbar; Mostafa Shahraki Jazinaki; Abdolreza Norouzy