Inhibition of mast cell activation via MRGPRX2 receptor by Curcuma mangga and Sonchus arvensis water suspensions: An in vitro study

Document Type : Short communication


1 1Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

2 2Department of Pharmacology, Graduate School of Medicine, Ehime University, Toon-shi, Ehime 791-0295, Japan



Objective: Traditional medicine is often used to relief pain, but its use is frequently not supported by appropriate scientific information. This study aims to investigate the histamine release suppression of Sonchus arvensis (SA) and Curcuma mangga (CM).
Materials and Methods: Rat peritoneal mast cells (RPMCs) and Mas-related GPCR-X2(MRGPRX2)-transfected RBL-2H3 cells were activated by 50 μg/ml of compound 48/80. Water suspension of SA or CM (0.1-30 mg/ml) was used to inhibit cell activation by compound 48/80. The level of mast cell activation was determined by measuring histamine release concentration using HPLC-fluorometry.
Results: At a concentration of 10 mg/ml, CM resulted in 22.60±5.86% in a spontaneous histamine release from RPMCs. The net histamine release after compound 48/80 stimulation in RPMC was 67.19±1.31%. CM at 3 mg/ml suppressed histamine release to 8.45±2.53%. In MRGPRX2-transfected RBL-2H3 cells stimulated with compound 48/80, CM at concentrations of 3 and 10 mg/mL suppressed histamine release to 22.85±0.64% and 4.20±1.60%, respectively. SA at 30 mg/ml induced a spontaneous histamine release of 56.76±4.03%, compared to 5.65±2.61% in the control group. The administration of 3 mg/ml of SA to compound 48/80-stimulated RPMCs resulted in a net histamine release of 6.12±0.46%. In MRGPRX2-transfected RBL-2H3 cells activated by compound 48/80, the net release was 35.11±3.10%. SA at 10 mg/ml suppressed histamine release to 4.88±1.42%.
Conclusion: SA and CM water suspension suppressed compound 48/80-induced histamine release.


Main Subjects