Investigating the potential effects of olive leaves and ginger rhizome extracts on kidney and liver functions in alloxan-induced diabetic rats

Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Pharmaceutical sciences and pharmaceutics department, Applied Science Private University, Amman-Jordan

2 Clinical pharmacy and therapeutic department, Applied Science Private University, Amman-Jordan

3 Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy department, Applied Science Private University, Amman-Jordan



Objective: Although there are many drugs on the shelves of pharmacies to manage diabetes mellitus (DM), many people around the world still use herbal preparations to treat it. This study investigated the effect of an aqueous combination of olive leaves and ginger rhizome extracts on type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) using various physiological markers.
Materials and Methods: Fifty-two Wistar rats were distributed into 2 healthy and 6 diabetic groups. Forty rats were given alloxan (150 mg/kg) as an intraperitoneal single-dose to induce T1DM. Treatments including insulin with/without individual and combined extracts, were started 4-day post-induction. The extracts were administered orally (500 mg/kg) and insulin was administered subcutaneously (6 IU/kg) in single-doses once a day. After one week of treatment, the blood samples were collected to measure Fasting blood glucose (FBG), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and creatinine.
Results: The diabetic group that received the combination of both extracts with insulin had a lower mortality rate after 14 days of treatment. The diabetic group receiving insulin with the olive leaves extract, demonstrated a decrease in ALT levels to 33.7 U/L (p=0.345) while maintaining the ALP levels within the normal range 126.9 U/L (p=0.463). Creatinine was significantly reduced to 1.1 mg/dl (p=0.028) and 0.7 mg/dl (p=0.028) in diabetic groups that received individual olive leaves and ginger extracts with insulin respectively.
Conclusion: To conclude, this combination with insulin had powerful effects to improve the mortality rate in diabetic rats over other groups, and the two extracts separately were able to decrease the creatinine levels.


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